Update On Warranty Site Inspection Services During Covid-19

As we continue to monitor Government guidelines and in line with the most recent update provided on 10th May 2020, we want to ensure we provide a level of clarity, transparency and understanding with what our current remote warranty risk management services are along with our plans to return to site to conduct physical site inspections. We also want to provide reassurance that at the heart of all of our plans and decisions, is the health and well-being of our staff and clients.

Whilst we rely heavily on the advice and guidance provided to us by the Government to be able to deliver our services and on-site risk management, we will only do so safely, professionally and without any risk of contributing further to the spread of COVID-19. Speaking to our clients, we know that you have the same opinion and we wish to thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding throughout this difficult time – we too wish to be back on site as soon as we possibly can and are putting measures in place to make this possible and want to share these with you.


  1. From 23rd March 2020 we have been providing a remote final plot inspection service which has been a huge success with over 2,000 requests to date. We have a team of senior surveyors reviewing the information to help you secure the final plot certification you require to complete units.

  2. Responding to feedback from our clients, from 24th April 2020 we introduced additional guidance checklists to provide you specific stage of work checklists for the works you are completing on site, plus direct contact with our Head of Major Project Surveying to discuss requirements for larger apartment developments. Teams of surveyors have been operating this service remotely and with over 100 submissions to date, this too seems to have been another huge success in supporting you progressing works on site.

  3. 4th May 2020 we concluded the acquisition of PPE for surveyors in advance of our return to physical site visits. Facial Snoods have now been provided for all remote technical staff that would attend site as part of their role.

  4. We distributed a site survey on 7th May 2020 for clients to complete to help us understand what sites are currently active, what sites are looking to return to work and when all of these plans are projected to take place. In addition to this, we have made contact with a large number of sites outside of this process to further understand the rate of site progress to support our decision making.

  5. Following the most recent Government Update on Sunday 10th May 2020, from 11th May 2020 we reviewed and aligned our Site Operating Procedures and continue to work on our return to site plans.



  1. For Final Plot Inspection requests, please call us on 0800 107 8446.  Our support teams are there to take your calls, details of your site inspection request and relay this information to our technical teams.

  2. For Stage of Works Progress requests, please find the guidance checklists here 

  3. For any information or queries relating to Major Project Surveying, please send your queries through to sam.brunger@premierguarantee.co.uk



We are currently working through business plans to begin a phased return to sites starting Tuesday 26th May 2020.

Our ambition, whilst always subject to change, is to deliver as many on site physical inspections as quickly as possible to understand what progress has been made since our last site inspections took place but to also to continue to provide key on site guidance and risk management services.

This phased return, alongside our Remote Key Stage Inspection Service and Remote Final Inspection Service allows us to control bringing our surveying force back into full operation over a period of time in line with Government guidance to ensure the safety of all involved to combat the spread of COVID-19. Please remain patient with us as we are doing everything we can to ensure we get out to all customers as quickly and safely as possible.

Here is a link to our Site Operating Procedures Version 1- 13th May 2020. These have the full backing of our business and will be adhered to by all surveyors preparing to visit site. Should there be any issues in being able to support our surveyors in keeping to our detailed Site Operating Procedures, these need to be addressed and mitigated BEFORE our surveyor attends site.

A range of checklists have also been developed to support the risk management of ongoing sites. 


Premier Guarantee remains committed to delivering a world class risk management service whilst also ensuring the safety of our staff, our clients and all our families. We ask for your continued support in helping us deliver our plans to get our surveying staff back out on site.