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The Importance of Home Maintenance


One of the most important aspects of owning a home is regular home maintenance checks, which is something every homeowner should do. Whether they are planning on selling their home in the near future or hoping to live there for many years to come.


Despite the importance, many homeowners fail to carry out regular, necessary checks and, as a result, will often be required to pay out large sums of money to cover repair works, which could have been avoided if they were noticed earlier. In this blog, we discuss the importance of home maintenance checks and repairs.


An older home


If you have an older home, then you will be more at risk of experiencing problems with your property due to it having an older structure and design. As a result, regular maintenance checks will be imperative for you. In comparison, new-build homes are known to be designed and built with state-of-the-art materials, which reduces the risk of problems arising.


Major repairs are expensive


Without proper home maintenance, you will be unaware of any major problems, should they arise. As a result, you will be unable to make necessary repairs quickly, which is likely to lead to more serious problems further down the line, which could mean a hefty charge. After all, it is no secret that major repairs, particularly those involving your plumbing or heating systems, can be extremely expensive to carry out.


Growing the value


Your home is an investment, therefore, it is important that you make sure your home’s value is kept through ongoing maintenance. Without proper care, your home will deteriorate over time, and so will its value. If you don’t see your property as a forever home, and would like to sell it one day, then you will most likely be hoping to make as much profit as you can. If your home is full of problems, you either run the risk of not making a sale or losing out on money. Understandably, the majority of home buyers look for houses that don’t require major upkeep, therefore, the more you do to your home, the better.


Seasonal changes


Routine home maintenance checks are important for adapting to seasonal changes, for example conserving energy is crucial for heating your home efficiently. Carrying out simple, but necessary, repair works, such as stopping leakage from doors and windows, will help to maximise your property’s efficiency.


Home maintenance should take place both outside and indoors, so you can fully inspect the performance of your home. Below is a checklist of things we believe are some of the most important things to look out for.


Warning signs to look out for in your home


Inside your home:


  • Buzzing electrical sockets and/ or flickering lights: 
    They are both tell-tale signs that something is going wrong and, if not fixed, your home could be at risk of experiencing a fire.
  • Leaking radiators: 
    Although they may only seem like small drips, leaking radiators can become much worse over time and could lead to severe damp in your home.
  • Damp ceilings: 
    If you can see damp patches appearing on your home’s walls or ceilings, your roof could be leaking, which should be fixed immediately before the stains spread and the damage becomes structural.
  • Faulty smoke detectors: 
    You should regularly test your smoke detectors to ensure they are working properly. Your smoke alarm should have a test button. If it doesn’t sound upon pressing, the batteries will most likely need to be replaced. If it still isn’t working, you should think about replacing entirely.
  • An old boiler: 
    Don’t stay loyal to your boiler if it is more than 10 years old and showing signs of old age. It’s generally accepted that boilers should last up to 15 years, however, some are known to break before then, so this should never be taken as a golden rule.




  • Checking the roof :
    As well as checking your ceilings from the inside, you should also check your roof from the outside to discover if there are any broken or missing tiles. If there are, they will need to be replaced by a professional to reduce the risk of flooding.
  • Blocked gutters:
    You should check your gutters at least four times per year. Over time, outside gutters can be blocked by a build-up of water, caused by birds nests, clumps of leaves, particularly during the autumn, and accumulations of mud. Clearing your gutters is essential to keeping the inside of your home safe from flooding.
  • Overall exterior:


Has any of your paint chipped? Are there holes in any of your bricks? Take a look around and make any repairs needed.


  • Damaged windows:
    In order to prevent any unwanted drafts and bugs from entering your home, you should repair or replace any damaged windows and window screens. Although duct tape can be a quick, short-term fix, it won’t last and looks bad.


All in all, home maintenance is incredibly important. Although it may seem like a tedious task at first, it is necessary to ensuring your home stays in tip top condition. When carrying out checks, it can feel overwhelming to begin with, however, if you prioritise repairs, it will become manageable, allowing you to stay on top of the overall performance of your home. For more advice, check out our home maintenance tips.