resource hub | Client Spotlight - Dorchester Living

Client Spotlight - Dorchester Living


CompanyDorchester Living is a start-up company in its 3rd year. Since its embryonic stage, the company has gained 50 staff. The company’s objectives are to build quality houses and sustainable communities.

Heyford Park, a 1231 acre brownfield site in Upper Heyford.




Time Scale2.5 years for phases 1-3

Why did you choose Premier Guarantee?


We required a supportive and understanding warranty provider to grow with us from inception of the business through to delivery. Whilst we did explore other avenues, Premier Guarantee were always our first choice due to positive previous experience working with the company. We find Premier Guarantee to be very personable and approachable, which has contributed to them being our first choice.


What do you like about Premier Guarantee?


Premier Guarantee provide the full package: cost management; risk management; quality assurance; quality of service and assurance that our customers are going to receive the support from a warranty package that ultimately they have purchased. Premier Guarantee integrate into the on-site management team, in order to build relationships and provide the best account support they can. A one-to-one design appraisal was undertaken at the office, which enabled an open discussion of the technical conditions and allowed these to be cleared quickly.

How do you find the Premier Guarantee Surveyors?


The on-site surveyor has easily slotted into the management team, working well with the whole team. We have found him very knowledgeable and of an excellent standard.


Were there any challenges during the build?


Being a brownfield site, Heyford Park has been a very complicated regeneration development. An example of a challenge that was faced is the unpredictability of the ground conditions. In this situation, the on-site inspector made recommendations which were adopted by the site team, which resulted in saving both time and money.
The approach from Premier has been kept very personable from registration through to the completion of units, with issues at site level being efficiently resolved.

The completed build


During the build, Premier Guarantee has helped us not only to meet our timescales, but also to save both time and money. We received support where required through various stages of the build, as well as competitive rates on plot registrations, bond support and cash flow support on warranty registration costs. Our ethos has always been to hand our customers a high quality product, and this was supported by Premier Guarantee’s seamless integration into the on-site management team.